Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Winter's Rest at the Farm

Yes, It has been waaay too long since I last posted. Blame it on Google's stupid "must add an account" new rule which I finally figured out in order to even find my Blog and sign into it....sheesh. Yes I have multiple accounts with multiple emails & interests and Google only allowed me to access ONE!! Talk about control freaks. Now, ranting complete.

My experimenting with farm life has brought both disappointments and surprises. I gave away dozens of eggs but have only had a couple of steady customers. My chicken population was decimated by predators thus reducing egg production. Eight possums and four raccoons to be exact. Each episode has its story...the night of the three possums is the most memorable and funny now, but 3 am tussles with possums is not funny at the time...especially when they are dragging off chickens who are in the sleep zombie state and you've raised these birds from egg hatching. I think we have cleaned the area of predators for awhile and haven't had an incident for a long time. Er....that is with the exception of our chicken loving Catahoula Leopard dog, Blue Belle, who I have to pen up or have a muzzle on when I let them out to free range.
 I like to let the chickens free range because it makes for happier chickens, harder egg shells, richer eggs, compost in the garden, harmful insect reduction and cuts down on the commercial chicken feed which is outrageous in costs. We acquired a couple of Cochins, a Silkie and a Banty rooster named "Glory" because he is beautiful. I now have 6 roosters....had 7 but we just butchered and cooked one. Too many roosters eat too much feed and give nothing in return. My "Big Boy" rooster is all I need to watch my girls and give me eggs for the incubator. He is a rare rooster in that he is very docile and has never threatened me or the grandbabies. He's a real keeper.

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