Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Found out that I cannot sell my eggs using recycled egg cartons....CAN give them away to friends in them but I now need to purchase blank cartons and either stamp my info on them or use peel & stick labels.

I have printed up my flyers to give out with my "free" egg blitz to the neighborhood. I will give them their first dz. eggs free to introduce them to farm eggs. Hopefully I will have enough response to at least pay for my chicken feed. Not really expecting to make much profit off eggs but it will help sustain us in chickens & eggs for future survival if needed. I have about a dozen 2 month old chickens that should begin laying in September and 6 newly hatched biddies that just came out of the incubator. We may start selling chickens too. Since this is an experiment in hobby farming, I have no idea what may happen.

I do enjoy being with my girls (Hens) and watching their silly antics and different personalities which range from none at all to bossy or curious. Picking up a warm just laid egg is such a miracle to me. It just amazes me how they can make an egg with a hard shell every day. And I don't even mind scraping up the chicken poop to add to my garden. Just don't ask me to butcher one because I'm just not there yet. Although my hunter hubby has no problem whatsoever. I have pointed out "certain" chickens that he is never to touch...like Henny Penny who was one of my original chickens from two years ago. She is a Barred Rock who has to stick her curious nose into every thing I do. I now have two of her babies in the two month old group, one is a rooster. My grandkids had a blast playing with them this past weekend. They all gather up around their feet and will let them pick them up.

I guess I'll run up to Tractor Supply and buy some egg cartons after work today....I need to get these eggs distributed because tomorrow I'll have about a dozen again. Yes, my pets do make me breakfast!

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